Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Halfway there

Apologies for this extremely boring blip! It's 4 fence panels to replace the ones that were broken in the recent winds and those that just needed replacing due to old age. Two have been painted, two haven't. They weren't painted today but I just spotted them in the garden and, in the absence of anything better, blipped them.

Today's been really weird. The first day of the school holidays but without anything planned we didn't really know what to do with ourselves. I wanted to go and play badminton this afternoon but the court was fully booked so the kids went to their nans with their dad and watched the new Jonny English DVD and I stayed at home and did some cleaning and made some resources for school. I cooked a spag bol for tea and that about sums up my day really.

Thanks for all the lovely comments on my 300th blip. I'm trying not to spend so much time on blip as it's wasting too much of my time but I will try and pop by your blip if you commented. Tomorrow's blip should be better as my youngest and his dad and grandad are going to Anfield for a stadium tour.

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