Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys

Timberline Lodge

Today we packed up our things and headed up to the mountain for the boys to have a fun filled day of skiing. Those boys could not get enough! While I sat in the lodge all day (there was no internet so it's not quite as relaxing as that may have sounded), Scott took the boys on run after run after run after run down the mountain. They started at the beginner hills and by the end were begging to go down the black diamond runs. Scott said "I don't think so!". Must be nice to be young and have no fear.

I'm sure the rest of you in blip world understands how rewarding it was to see your kids truly enjoy something they were doing and bonding with each other over it. What a fun day.

After finishing up skiing for the day we relaxed a bit longer in the lodge drinking various hot drinks. I can't wait to do this again.

Here is a glimpse of the sunset up at the lodge. The picture doesn't do it justice!

*Thank you all for continuing to check in on my blips. I just can't seem to get caught up with blipping or with commenting these days. I'm sorry! Please know I'll get around to it when things settle down and that I haven't forgotten about you!*

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