
By Snaptilyoupop

What to wear, what to wear...

I need to go to the shops and steal the Wife a Valentine's Day present today but I cant decide on which balaclava to wear...

I bought her card yesterday. Not for me any of that soul-sappingly-obvious love-heart drivel: No, I bought a card with a drag queen on the front with a massive pair of fake boobs. Unfortunately I didn't hide it well enough and she found it and it turns out she's not really a drag queen fan! She prefers all that love mush. What do you know?! Oops!

So this year we're writing our own Valentine's cards and sending them to ourselves. Ooh I hope I get one with a grimacing drag queen on the front!

To be honest, I'm not one to do something romantic or extra-special on the 14th February. And anyway, when you're married to me everyday is like Valentine's day :p

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