
By Hayls

Fings wot I bought...

...at Ikea today.

Colourful stuff. I love colour and don't quite know where to stop with it.

Unfortunately this extends to my paintings as I amply proved last night at my art class. The tutor asked us to choose a landscape to base our picture on, so I chose a rather abstract Nash landscape called Vernal Equinox which I then tried to recreate (I know I missed the point of the lesson, it's not about copying).

Anyway I realised after an hour of painting that my approach to colours was arse about face. Instead of trying to mix the colours of the original, I would mix something up on the palette and then examine the original to see if there was any colour on there that even vaguely matched what I'd created. If there was, happy days! Invariably there wasn't.

The art tutor is lovely though and he never gives up on your picture even when you have. Unfortunately not even his enthusiasm could save the dross I created last night and it ended up in its rightful place, the bin.

I will not be disheartened, I will not be disheartened, I will not be disheartened.....

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