Rose Bay - Dusk

This was the view from the boat ramp car park this evening.

Why was I at the boat ramp? The weather was good so I decided to do a bit of night fishing with a mate of mine. We launched the boat not long after this was taken and headed out about 8 kilometres behind one of the small islands on the bay. I had a tip that it is a good fishing spot.

I know my way around the bay very well but I have never got out that far at night. It was fun although coming back was a bit choppy and it was really hard to read the water in pitch darkness. I very smartly made note of a few illuminated landmarks on the way out so we found our way back easily enough. To be honest there are plenty of beacons to navigate by anyway and if all else failed I could have used my compass to get back. It was a bit like driving a car at night with no headlights.

How about this though...I actually caught a fish! The tip I got for the fishing spot also came with some fishing technique advice. It worked and I caught my first tailor. That will be dinner for Jo and myself tomorrow night. Probably with chips.

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