The odd curiosity shot

By Flipscokid

Back in the habit

First ascent of a Munro today for many months: Glyder Fach was its name, no view was its game. Carrauntoohil was the last, during a very wet visit to south west Ireland in the summer.

So pleased to have got back up and down in one piece. Not sure my surgeon would class it as 'gentle exercise' but hey ho. Another day of mist, no shocks there then! Still, determined to get up something as it was our final day. Every piece of kit played its part today as we were absolutely pummeled by a savage icy blast from the north.

Never experienced gusts like it, pretty frightening if I'm honest. Very bleak at the summit and incredibly chilly once we stopped moving. Not a day for posing on the cantilever.

Two unfortunate incidents on the descent:
1. Having a piddle just as one of those almighty gusts arrived...I won't elaborate.
2. A spectacular fall - no grace, twisted knee, arm into puddle up to elbow, wet sleeve, wet glove, brr.

A great day! Home now and utterly shattered.

By the way, self portraits will not be the way forward - I only had about 5 pictures on my camera so this had to be it!

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