Roses are...

...whatever colour you want them to be.

These particular Valentine's roses are quite lovely and quite unusual.
Some are pink. Some are pink and white. Some are white and pink.
I like red roses but I love pink roses more.

I hope all you florists out there have had a good day. I don't mean simply listening to the sound of the till either. It can be a very busy time or at least you hope it will be a busy time, if you are a florist.

It can be hard work and the hours long too, with a lot of preparation beforehand. And don't forget that the price you may have payed for your roses today didn't start and end with the florist - those high prices had already begun a long way back down the line, at the auctions in Holland, simply because a huge amount of people all over the world wanted to give somebody a bunch of red roses today.
Or even pink ones!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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