Simply Me

By Suze981

Stripping it bare

Now that I'm back in my pad, I've got a lot of work to do. There's always been a damp problem in my bedroom so we've decided to strip back all of the wallpaper, get some dehumidifiers in and damp-proof the whole lot before redecorating.

This is phase 1. We (my parents and I) stripped everything back today and unearthed some dodgy plaster that crumbled away. A quick trip to B&Q and Ian was re-plastering the mid section of the wall.

My parents are the most talented people I know. They know how to do everything, or at least if they don't, they'll learn bloody quickly!

They've just left for the evening, so I've been cleaning up and now I'm off to build a bookcase and unpack a few crates of my belongings before tea.

Phase 2 starts tomorrow...

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