Is 30 really that awful?

By Emx

Tommy VI (VI VI)

Hand op today. Unfortunately its not gonna be a quick fix and I'm hoping for a hospital appointment. The minor surgery's doc advised that due to lack of nhs funding a lot of operations are being dismissed if they don't think they're that urgent.
A bit of shopping this afternoon with little monkey before he went visiting with Nanna whilst mummy fed the ponies.

I got to the farm to discover Tommy the 6th (his official name) has taken on the new role of destroyer within our little herd. This isn't his first masterpiece. I discovered him wearing HIS fleecy rug as a skirt last week where he'd created a horse sized hole in the back of it. This one belongs to the lovely dollybird who generously let him borrow it til the sewing fairy finds his. (I love my mummy). Hrm, on second thoughts he may have destroyed this as holly does tend to steal his dinner. Especially the carrots. Lets see what tomorrow brings...

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