eyes finally open

By cradleyheathen

flame red

no "real" blip today, but here is a pic of what i did this afternoon. i spent all morning running around getting parts, and picking up the paint, so i really had to get my skates on when i got back.

the car had some light accident damage on the front corner, and had been repaired badly in the past. the front end had also been painted out of rattle cans, so it all needed putting right. 3 layers of 2k primer, and 4 coats of flame red on the top has now got it looking good as new. tomorrow i will have to mop it up, and re-fit the lights and the chrome work.

i know there is overspray on the engine, but it will all come off when it gets de-greased, not that the customers will even notice the engine being spotless!

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