Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Challenge: Clouds

It was completely overcast this morning, offering my camera nothing but misty greyness. By late afternoon, however, there were more interesting drama in the sky. Good things happen when you're patient, right? Keep telling me that.

I got my hopes up--a second time--for a rescue dog that didn't happen. It's so frustrating: You search & search to find a dog you really like, start imagining bringing it into your home & life, complete a detailed application, talk to &/or email the foster, & think you have a good match...then, someone comes along & they get the dog instead because the foster decides that would be the best "forever home" for this particular pet's needs. I understand the goal, but it's like an emotional roller coaster trying to adopt a rescue dog. You'd think it would be a quick & joyful experience. I'm trying to do a good gesture I have decided I really want to do, but it seems I'm not supposed to.

How many times in my life has someone used the words "nothing--meaning something negative--like this ever happened to me before, but ..."?? Way too many! It's a test of some level, I'm sure.

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