Let There Be Light

By solli


American Red Robin ~ Turdus migratorius

The morning was grey and dreary but by the afternoon, the sun began to break through the clouds so I decided to head to the park for a look around. There were numerous robins pulling up earthworms, and a spattering of starlings doing the same. It seemed to me that it's a little too early to be seeing them, but with the weather as warm as we've experienced, I suppose they haven't migrated.

As I approached the lake, I spotted two hooded mergansers diving for fish. It was the first time I'd seen them here and was very surprised to observe how long they could stay under water. As I got out of the car to take the pictures, I disturbed a hawk in a nearby tree - at least I think it was a hawk - as it flew away across the pond, it appeared to be grey with a very long wing span. It definitely wasn't the heron.

As I shot the robin red breast, a young hairy woodpecker lit on the branches over my car.

It felt pretty good to be able to hang out with the birds again, and I went home very happy.

Click here to see the robin's fluffy little face.

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