The Two Fat Ladies Bus

It was the 'Gas Man Cometh' day this morning; cometh to service our two year old gas boiler and render it compliant with this year's Gas board regulations.

This involved cutting two service hatches for flue inspection in the ceilings of the utility cupboard and my wardrobe. Great. Whatever will they think up next?

My reaction was such that his Lordship allowed me to leave the premises while he gritted his teeth and held the fort. I returned to find a scene in the bedroom likened to a disaster zone.
However after an inspection an hour later, I have to say the men hoovered up every last bit of rubble and plaster, put back all the clothes in the wardrobe and left the place in pristine condition. Now all that is required is the writing of a great fat cheque worth the price of a cup of a coffee every day for 6 months.

My leaving the premises involved a bus trip where I saw two much older ladies having to stand while a mother allowed her two children aged about 7 and 8 to sit on separate seats.
If parents don't teach their children respect for old people then they're sure not going to learn it by themselves. That was a mini rant ; did you notice?

My blip was a lucky find outside the McEwan Hall when I espied a London bus going the long scenic way round to Tooting Bec.
I thought the the clippie looks rather more stylish than usual.

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