
By britni


sometimes when you look at something for a while, it stops looking real.

today i feel really blah. i wish i could snap out of it. it's just the kind of day where i'd rather stay inside with a good book or a pile of crosswords or a few dvds.. any suggestions?

yesterday a kid named kelvin came to visit me. i didn't know him before, but he is in germany through the same program as i am, and he needed a place to stay in frankfurt before his plane ride out today. it was nice to have a new visitor to motivate me to explore the city and do all the touristy things i never would have done on my own. today we visited paulskirche (featured above), and he treated me warm drinks in a local cafe in roemer until the rain stopped. i'm afraid i wasn't very good company today, though

p.s. if you liked the brain, you might also want to check this backblip out

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