
By MrsHollow

My cheatin' heart

I have a confession - I have another 'Little man' (although this one is even smaller). His name is Tommy and he'll be 7 months old in a few days. He first made his blip appearance on Mr H's blog here when he was about a month old and boy is he growing!

This is also my big brother - his doting daddy - whose hands appear in Mr H's picture. I spent most of today trying to get some nice pictures of Tommy smiling, but what I actually ended up with is a whole sequence of pictures where he just looks permanently surprised, scared or both! This was one of the few where he had a slightly different expression on his face - but then he would do because he's with his dadda!

We had a really nice day - me and the Jnr Hollows - even if we did have to eat slightly charred sausage rolls for lunch! And little Tommy got properly mauled by his girl cousins.

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