walking in the city

By inthecity

All Night Dinah

A week after surgery--good wee girl. Her brother is a little less shy lateley too. He even joins her in purring and circling my ankles* when I'm making their breakfast. They've also learned how to turn on the bathtub faucet. I've yet to catch them in the act, but I've been up twice in the night to turn off the hot water.

* half awake, espresso brewing, fluffy kittens brushing against freshly shaved legs.

Cool nature moment: I was pacing the deck and saw a mother and baby falcon (I'm assuming) land in the neighbours' giant tree. Huge birds. I didn't have my telephoto handy and didn't want to leave my spot at the railing. The mother circled over to another tree. So smooth! The baby squawcked for a bit then they flapped off.

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