Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Tit Willow

The Boss has been impressed with the comments on his IR shot so this morning dawned with a W2W sky (wall to wall) so right after grub off we went. We only got as far as the lake front when this was spotted and while we were parked on the side of the road ( Did I mention we drove NOT walked) I watched out the window while The Boss amused some folk who were in the field of view by asking them to move please and then trying to explain that each exposure took 10 seconds. Then the fun began as we had to look down the roads and wait until there was no traffic. Not that it would have mattered if there was but there is a corner in the view and folk slow down for it and sometimes stop for other traffic and that would have shown. Luckily there was only a slight breeze so the movement in the tree was minimal. Please be advised that the weather is supposed to be not so good tomorrow so this will stop IR shots for now. I showed the onlookers the viewscreen and they probably concluded I was crazy as the RAW original is shades of red.

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