
By Twitish


Introducing the 5th member of our family. Lamby

This VERY much loved cuddly has had so many scrapes we could write a book.

Top five-

1. Left behind in a motel in Albuquerque ( New Mexico, USA) had to be FedEx across to Flagstaff - when he arrived, 3 days later ( so much for FedEx) he was still wet, where he had been through the industrial washers ! ( this is the abridged version, the longer one includes me having a nervous breakdown over the prospect of a trip around the world without Lamby)

2. Lost in West Bridgford , having fallen from the buggy. LOST posters were erected up the A60. NINE days later lamby was returned via a courier who had seen the posters to a friend of mine. We are still unsure how the courier linked my friend to the little stuffed toy - but when she returned it to me in the Taekwondo lesson I did cry !!

3. Found, flattened,wet and totally black, having been run over a LOT outside a multi storey car park in Nottingham, owner was unaware she had even lost him !

4. Hidden inside a cushion cover and lost for 12 hours around a friends house. Both houses turned upside down in the search for him. At this point the 'super hero lamby' tales began.

5. Left on the little boat which had taken us up the Mekong from Phnom Peng in Cambodia to Vietnam and returned once boat owner had been reached via countless calls and turned his boat around and 'tipped' heftily.

On a weekly basis this little stuffed toy gives us so much grief but he also gives his owner a comfort and security that only he can tell.

Lego will come and go but Lamby is for life

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