Jack James

By JackJames


We've got lectures in Old Collage, which gives me a smug sense of satisfaction when I leave and there are tourists taking photos, so I thought I'd join in.

Had to stay in bed until 2pm with a migraine. The sort of headache where, for all the good of it, someone might as well be pushing down on your eye, pushing it into your skull with as much force as they can muster, and leaving it there for a few hours. I knew it wasn't good news when I woke, spinning, at 5am.

Thankfully it had subsided enough by 4 to make it to my only lecture of the day, before coming home to make a nice pasta for everyone. Had a bit of a nightmare trying to find a missing aubergine, which I was (and still am) convinced I had somewhere in the larder. Still, didn't turn up, so made a roast sweet potato, tomato and mushroom sauce.

Off to megs later, don't think my head will allow me to go to take photos at No Globe, which is a big shame :(

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