Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

opposites Febchallenge 17/29

a big day for Miss Pink who has had her first ever trip to the cinema. We went to see "The Muppets".

We all enjoyed it, good fun. Mr Pink felt it was bit too "disney-fied" but that the actual muppets were brilliant. Being as it was Miss Pink's first ever cinema trip she did really well. I think the beginning was a bit too slow for a not yet 3 year old, but she loved the dancing and muppets. Miss Piggy seemed to be her favourite. "that's the mummy pig". Master Pink loved it, his favourite bits were the full on singing and dancing bits.

We went to Frankie and Benny's afterwards for some lunch. But I've come down with a throaty coldy lurgy, and I've been coughing and spluttering lots. I gave in this afternoon, and Mr Pink took Master Pink to his swimming lesson while I laid on the sofa with tissues and hot drinks!

So my "opposites" attempt is the mini pinks charging around the water fountain outside Ipswich cinema. Opposite ends to each other and having a wonderful time.

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