Dear Heart

By dearheart

'Lovebirds', in periwinkle blue

Dear Heart,
The Family Mad came to visit me in Cardiff, and we decided to visit Caerphilly Castle. After plucking Siân right off the pavement, we headed on our way. The trip passed in a wonderful, happy-smudgy blur. It makes such a change to have happy voices all around you. Not having to resurrect conversation every two minutes was pure bliss! We climbed to the very tip-top of the castle. Everyone else ploughed onwards and upwards while I often paused to take a breath - it was agony for my two little legs!
In the evening, assorted members of Chez Slug, feat. Siân headed out-out to celebrate growing older. I'm choosing to forget the awkward pre-drinks and the moody looks on the part of some, because the rest of us had such a lovely time in the end. I didn't sleep until after 3!
Love, Lydia x

Day 16: Long exposure

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