
By Bundle

Cuppa Chai?

This beautiful chai set was one of my birthday presents. I found it very difficult to take a decent picture of it.

Talking of trying to take a decent picture, I called in to see Schwarenka and Lady S on my way home from work (it was Schwarenka who introduced me to Blipfoto) and while we were discussing apertures, as one does, I was blipped!

As you can tell from the wry smile on my face 'discussing' is a very generous interpretation. I really must do that photography course.

Thank you all for your kind words spurring on my recovery last week. The problem with taking time off work ill (my first sickness absence in 19 years!) is that you end up working your socks off to catch up. I must remember never to do it again!

And, apologies for failure to visit your journals in recent days, promise I'll catch up with you all soon!

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