The rest of forever...

By DrMac

My Valntine's Day Shot

All the time zone changes meant that my shots got muddled. The one on the 14th was taken on the 13th...and this one was taken on Valentines. But I can't get blip to juggle it so here we are....

Happy Valentines Day, darlin. I can't believe you had flowers sent to my hotel room in New York! I was gobsmacked!

This is Max Brenner's chocolate shop. Hot chocolate to die for, twice over!

New York City Ballet performing Romeo and Juliet!
And I pretended to be a pap and photographed the skinny bird celebs arriving in their limos and their heels, chain smoking and guzzling americanos. Another pap commented that I had nice lenses! Well, it's the best compliment I've had in an age!!!

I love you!

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