Horse Eye

Plans for today changed as eco daughter's pal was not well.

Eco son headed to the stables, eco girls and myself took Juno out for a long walk. A great chat with the ladies and it was good.

We met up with eco son at the stables, eco daughter stayed to help out with the horses.

Eco mum and myself headed to the allotment with some soil. Met by a blizzard of blippers, in fact almost everyone working on their plot was a blipper. Handed on some planks to no 18. Found the rabbit on my plot again, action is required, hopefully alibe capture and release somewhere.

Eco mum headed back up to the kids with food, I made soup and got the stove going, the house was warming up.

Another wee stroll woth Juno to get the rest of the family.

Eco son is getting hens for the runs at the stables and is now helping with the sheep.

Quiet night in with the ladies as the teenager lives for the nights.

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