
Kerr was away all day today with kerrsdaddy. They went to soft play at xscape this morning to meet up with two of kerrsdaddy's friends and their toddlers.

Apparently Kerr had a fantastic time, and this photo summed up what he was like - constantly on the go, and very fast!

They then all went to Burger King for lunch, and Kerr also managed to persuade kerrsdaddy to let him go on a car ride and a carousel ride. He's a soft touch! I normally try and tell him that I don't have any pennies and drag him past the rides.

In the afternoon they went to visit cousin L, Uncle M and Auntie L. Next stop was cousins T, M and F and Auntie J and Uncle C.

I was expecting them home early afternoon, but they didn't arrive back until 6.30pm. Fudge and I had a very quiet day at home, with a couple of nice walks and some chill out time watching telly and reading. It was nice to have a quiet day but I really missed my boys and was glad to get cuddles when they got home tonight.

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