the squeaky wheel gets greased

As part of the current campaign to rid our few cupboards of unnecessary space-uptaking luxuries such as rubbish, nonsense and things-which-would-be-useful-if-only-I-had-a-garage-or-large-shed-to-make-them-useful-in I have selflessly offered to finally get round to chucking out all my excess shoes. Although they're all still undamaged to the casual observer they're all afflicted with squeakiness of the heels to some extent or collapse of the internal cushioning in one or more heels and are all unwearable except in the noisiest of environments. I gave them all a test at the weekend to make sure that none are still useful and was confirmed when it started raining and I ended up squeaking terribly by the time I got home. I could argue that at least one of the more waterproof pairs might be useful to retain for cycling in when it's raining seeing as the current active-use pair (with legs, left) get quickly sodden both when walking through light puddles or moist grass or cycling through any form of surface water but the Moab Ventilator does at least have the advantage of being relatively swift to dry out, especially when stuffed with newspaper. Pity it only has a useful life of about five months if the previous pair were anything to go by. The rightmost-legged pair aren't amazingly comfortable and are thus little-worn but were picked up for cheap in a sale and function quite well if a pair of relatively tidy feet are required for some strange reason. Those without legs nor laces (plus an opportunist Sale! pair of Columbus "walking" shoes which were very comfortable when sitting quite still but appallingly pathetic for use when attempting to do any activity during which weight might be placed on the heel or toe) will be dried after their last brief exposure to the elements and charity-shopped at some point this week. Possibly tomorrow. Definitely by the weekend.

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