
In addition to the greeniness of the child-monitor (which is slightly overkill when he's only in the next room but he's been a but phlegmy recently) there is currently an additional source of potentially sleep-disruptive lighting beside me at the moment in the form of my laptop, which needs to stay awake to upload a little more backlog-clearance to Flickr. I really don't want to my up-load gap to reach four years so shall resume trying to process a few shots with each normal processing-sitting. Once I get clear of May 2008 I'll have a fairly clear run of old blips and unused 640-pixel-wide edits to use, which will switch to full-size when I reach the point where full-sized images could be uploaded here.

Nicky was off at a used child-equipment sale over the middle of the day so I took the boy out for a walk round the back of the sewage processing plant and whatever else is situated in the complex opposite the pipe farm; something which uses some of the lighter petrochemical fractions, from the wafts. As Edgar's light coat was still soggy from being washed he was in the big coat in which he can't move his arms properly, which at least made carrying him easier when he woudn't fit comfortably in the macpacbackpack and only wanted to walk the wrong way for brief periods.

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