corinthian column

By corinthian

Sheltered Snowdrops

First snap of the day taken before the ladies who walk were informed by S that she had discovered new footpaths. Great we'll try them out was the response - but

The mud. Not just little bits here and there but whole fields resembling quagmires

Then there were the stiles - the most awkward we've met for some time - I even had to be man-handled over one

Then the galloping horses - even though there was a fence between us I didn't feel safe

Although it was very windy when we set out by the time we reached the trig point it had picked up so much I couldn't hold the camera steady because of the force of it

I was given responsibility for one of the dogs. I caused great hilarity amongst the walkers as I had to charge after him when he needed to be put on the lead

A memorable walk accompanied by good companions and laughter

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