'We come to pray & then we get to chat'

'PRAYER & POTIONS' - new sub-title given by freespiral

This group of ladies were having a fine old time in the back pews of the Cathedral. They were sniffing at bottles and putting cream on their hands and gave me some gorgeous smiles when I surreptitiously tried to blip them whilst pretending to blip the vaulted roof. Finally I asked whether I could photograph them and what they were sniffing. They told me one of their number was an Avon Lady so she always brought them things to try.

I arrived in Cork last night from Brissle and walked for several hours in the dark round the central district. Today amongst many other things I visited the two Cathedrals, found an Elizabethan castle (now occupied by the Guarda who wouldn't let me climb the walls to see the view), the Crawford Gallery where there I found some enchanting pictures, the Four Liars (but the four faces of a clock tower were all showing the correct time) and the English Market where I found the happiest picture I've ever seen of the Queen with the fishmonger. Mine host at the Windsor Hotel was proud to tell me his brother had escorted the Queen throughout her successful visit to Cork - in fact lots of people had tales to tell me of her visit. It is a lovely city, wide streets with lots of little ones off, terrific architecture and because the river divides to make a sort of island there are lots of bridges. I was very impressed.

Caught the 4pm bus to Bantry

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