October 4th Journal


Shrove Monday - Bun-day

To-day is the first day of tradition in the week before Lent. In English Shrove Monday, in Icelandic Bollu-dagur or Bun-day - because to-day we will eat lots and lots of buns like you see on this blip.
For the children to get a bun they have a special kind of bun-wand (bollu-wöndur) to spank their olders which buy their peace by giving them buns.
When I was young (he-he), you only got buns on this day, but to day it all started last Friday. - Who wants to eat buns four days in a row?
I'm sure you know about some kind of tradition on this day.
Bolla can also mean ball so we will have fish balls for dinner to-night.

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