A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

W & G Foyle

Had this bag for ages but only read it properly today. Sounds like Foyle's were the first Amazon, if only they'd had the Internet they'd have been away. Not that Foyle's has done so badly and I do love visiting a physical bookshop.

Started first day back after hols with some intentional procrastination (if there is such a thing) and headed off for a swim. Maybe delay tactic is more accurate as I was really avoiding facing work stuff for a bit. Either way it was very enjoyable and a splendid start to the day.

Pleasingly, once I squared up to the work stuff it was less scary than from a distance. Though it's going to be a full on week so glad I got the swim under my belt.

The rest of the day has been quite chilled as this morning's back to school went smoother than expected and Spanish was cancelled after school so there was a chance to catch up on homework we've neglected over half-term.

Overall I'd rate today as much smoother landing back to term time than usual.

Lesley x

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