alice's adventures

By aliceblips

hip hop you don't stop

It just never stops with Beau.

Today we spent the majority of the day at A&E.

He's hopping about and cannot weight-bear on his right leg.

It's his hip.

When he was little he had a couple of bouts of Irritable Hip (which is agony) and it seems, after many years, to have come back.

He amused me, himself, the doctors and his fellow patients with his frequent release of wind, his cheating at cards and by 'photo-boothing' (by iPad) everyone he encountered.

I've piggy-backed his big, long, aching, growing bones around all day and, thankfully, the painkillers seem to finally be working.

Orlando has just told me that him and Beau are dressing up as Buddhists and are going on a mountain adventure and that he (O) is going to help Beau walk everywhere because he (B) is the master.

We had a Thai/Chinese supper and they are saying Bonjour to each other. They are well and truly on another planet. I do adore them.

This is one of my all time favourite old skool (getting down with the kids with the lingo) Hip Hop tracks.

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