With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Not for long. Ben was still asleep this morning, so I thought I'd let him get rid of his tonsilitis a bit more at home. And then little Agu looked a bit pale and coughed heartily, so I thought it was a day for sharing viruses at home seeing as I wasn't working.

By late morning, things were a bit more perky and so we set off for the post office. Unfortunately Ben was a bit enthusiastic and posted the letters before I had a chance to put the stamps on. The fantastic thing about living in a village like this, is that the lovely men in the post office said they would stick the stamps on for me when they opened the box in the plaza!

I haven't posted a shot of the tragic carnage in the plaza. They are removing 10 of the 14 Plane trees due to damage apparently caused to the bark from the Christmas lights. Nonsense. The damage is caused during the Firo. I noticed this last year that they strap the fireworks onto the same bit of damaged bark every year. Anyway, a lot of the wood looked very healthy to me as they carted it away. But then I'm not a tree expert. We will notice the lack of shade in the summer. You might notice a distinct lack of tree shots in the future. So very sad.

Meanwhile, the boys drove me mad. We had to buy two baguettes as it is impossible for a 7 or a 10 year old to carry a stick of bread home without doing something unspeakable to it. Under threat of returning to school for the afternoon, they calmed down and caused carnage in the house instead.

So I'll finish with little Agu's joke this morning.
"O.k. no school today" I said and he replied "Hurray!"
I said "Well it's not really hurray is it? You're both poorly" So he coughed and then replied
"No. Well I guess it's just a 'Hu' then"
We laughed a lot, and then coughed a lot. Ho ho ho!

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