More Life of Sands

By sands


I've had a really good & productive day today! I went out for a wee morning run & wore one of the new dresses I bought on Saturday :-)

The wonderful Dotty told me last week about a time/project management technique she's been using called the Pomodoro Technique. Having Googled it and deciding it sounded like a great tomato sauce idea, I decided to try it out today.

Basically, you work for 25 min segments (a Pomodoro) with 5 mins break in between and a 15-20 min break after 4 Pomodoros........and it really works! A Pomodoro is perfect time span to concentrate before needing a wee break away from the computer. As such, I got LOADS done today.


Ooops - it does look like I went out running in my new dress!! Just to clarify I didn't :-)

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