The long journey

By thelongjourney

At last...

...I FINISHED MY PAPER!!!!!! Gosh, it felt so so good to upload it, especially after the huge amounts of corrections received by supervisors/bosses/random people.

But what's most important is that I FINALLY BOOKED MY FLIGHT!!!! whoowhoowhoo. I know, I left it until I was 200% sure that everyone approved the paper before committing my hardly earned money into flight+bonus holiday, but I did not want to risk my supervisor coming back to me saying that the paper was crap and I could not go to the conference and ending up being £450 poorer when I'm broke already.

As I have explained before, I planned my late summer holidays in parallel with this conference I got accepted to, which takes place in Victoria, Canada. Since someone is paying for me to go, I can save some money on accommodation, chip in the extra and finally get to go to Alaska, a dream I've always had!!! I planned it so I can stay in southeast Alaska for 12 days, travelling between Juneau, Skagway, Sitka and I just have to plan my cheap accomodation and the deal is done!

I am so happy :))))))))

Have a good evening everyone.


ps. I have also managed to backblip photos from last weekend in Berlin for our yearly family holiday!!!

pps. I know my song quote for today is not really appropriate, but I adore this song!

"At last my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song
At last the skies above are blue
And my heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you"

At last - Ella Fitzgerald

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