Imagine the view....

By btc

Pancake day...

...just picked the little one up from school. Big brother is at his grandparents in bed with the flu, as well as half the rest of the population (with the flu I meant, not all at my mum and dads!)

"I made a pancake at school today" says little one (LO)

"that's nice" I say "did it taste nice"

"don't know, it's in my book bag" he says

"your book bag?" I question

"yes, I'm taking it to grandmas to put sugar on it" LO says, "they let my flip it" he demonstrates to me throwing the pancake from hand to hand after unwrapping it from the greasy tissue it was stuck to

"I can put it on my arm" he says showing me as I look in my rear view mirror in disgust

We arrive at grandmas, put some sugar on the now dishevelled, used to be food substance

"Do you want to try some Daddy?" LO proudly asks


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