Bangor Harbour

Absolutely cream-crackered after my first day at work in nine days! I didn't really feel like Blipping this evening but what with the balmy 11.5° weather and other cancelled plans, I decided to try my luck down at Bangor pier.
This was the view at the bottom of the slipway across the harbour. The tide was lapping at the feet of my tripod and I was conscious that I might go arse-over-tit at any second in the mud. Despite the 'orrible yellow streetlight that pervades all of Bangor and most of Belfast, I was happy enough with the shot.

I have two runner ups:
Slipway - messed around with the WB on this one a little!

RNLI - the impressive newish RNLI building at the top of the pier. That's The Salty Dog behind it.

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