Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Cat Diplomacy Breakthrough

I got such a good photo of Mother Comfort's cat Pepsi yesterday right after she had spit malevolence at me that today I went in with the purpose in mind of actually catching her in the act of venting her acrimony in my direction.

Instead, she just looked at me.

So, I took a chance and reached down and stroked her back a couple of times. Keep in mind that my mother has kept this cat for sixteen years since kittenhood, and it has always hated the very air surrounding me.

But, she acquiesced. And with a bit more courage, I reached down again and petted her back more fully. My getting closer to her tail caused her to start to unfold her claws and caused me to back off.

Then I came back to scratch behind her ears and she settled in to receive. And after a few photos to prove I had actually touched her, I got in with both hands and gave her neck and shoulders the full cat-massage workover.

While she didn't try to follow me home, she also made no attempt to eat or even shred (for food prep) me.

No promises for tomorrow, and I certainly don't want to lose a hand to over-confidence, but I feel the possibility that there may be a morsel of benevolence in the cat's relationship with me.

Possibly a similarity to the tasty morsels of food I bring her every day.

More will be revealed!


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