Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Knick-knacks & SPs

All too often I find that, on days when the number of available photos is low, I find it more difficult to post an entry. I'll have chosen the likeliest Blip candidate, frequently after a bit of judicious tweaking when the original image isn't all that great -- and then I mull over it for a bit, putting off uploading until I've had a chance to review my choice and wonder if it can be improved or if a different image would be better.

Anyway, that's all by way of explanation for the gap which has yet again developed here (funny how these gaps tend to happen after weekends) and to make amends by uploading today's blip only a few hours after it was taken.

I was back in St Luke's hospital this morning for my re-scan. I did as before and went over and back by bus (I'm glad I don't suffer from sea-sickness, since the return journey was a bouncing and swaying experience -- not sure if it's the roads that are to blame or the bus's suspension), hanging on in the hospital for a bite to eat after the scan and then making my way home. It was on the way from the hospital to the bus stop that I came across this shop window and rather fancied the look of the ceramic figures (which have appeared here before from another place closer to home). It was only as I was lining up the shot that I decided to cash in on the mirror and throw in a sly little self portrait. Only when I uploaded from the iPhone to the iMac did I notice that I'd caught a second SP reflected in the shop window.

It's been a medical week so far (more detail in back-blips as and when they follow). In summary: Had a heart monitor fitted and did a pulmonary function test on Monday; returned the monitor, picked up my meds and got my monthly hormone injection yesterday; and now today's scan in St Luke's. After the scan I was given yet another starting dat for my radiation treatment. I'm now due to begin on Tuesday 20th March.

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