daily dragon

By shadowolfhunter

Work In Progress!

I'm sure that some of my friends think that I sit around all day, consuming coffee in industrial quantities, clicking like buttons on facebook, making cheeky comments and just generally laughing it up.

Not true!

This is the work in progress. In between socially networking, puzzling my way through the various new platforms on offer, taking pictures of random things, emailing, pet feeding, satisfying my mother's desire for endless cups of tea and administrating four separate things at once, I do actually write stories.

This one is Banned! It's the story of a former rock band, back together after fifteen years, and the trouble they get into with a homicidal maniac who's after them. I have promised myself, and (rashly) several other people that this will be out in April. Not the least because I have promised myself the utter insanity of attempting to write 100 pages of film script in 30 days. Since film script is something I have only tentatively dabbled in up to now, this is either insane or really smart in a dumb kind of way.


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