Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

A guilty Pleasure

This arrived in the post today, which I can only describe as a bit of a guilty pleasure. I guess I have put quite a lot of work into getting it but I don't need it, and sort of got it by accident.

let me explain : I did a degree in Computing science and was awarded a BSC (Hons) in 1988 hence not having any practical use for another one.

A few years later in my employer encourages some of us to take the MBA course with the Open University. I did this for 2 years and was then awarded a Professional Certificate in Management but never bothered going any further as I got too busy at work.

About 18 years and 2 careers later I have significantly more leisure time and saw a short course in "Listening to music" which I fancied and this inspired me to do a much bigger course in "The Technology of Music" last year.

I then found out that as the Management courses were treated as Postgraduate they count at Level 3, The Music courses give me credits at level 2 and I am exempt from level 1 as I already have a degree. So totally be accident I have been awarded a BA.

I guess I did quite a lot of work to get it but most of it was about 21 years ago and I have forgotten the pain by now. The Music courses were a pleasure to do so they don't feel like hard work, hence the guilty feeling about the award.

Still as I have it, I may have to change my user name from Squiffy by the Sea to

Barry George Hall PCM, BA(open), BSc(Hons)

or maybe not :-)

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