this lovely life

By kellyrenee

Food Blip

Too much garlic. And garlic does NOT agree with me. Not even that tasty..... I wanted a big slice of round table brand pepperoni and mushroom. Unfortunately, it was not in my freezer - and i was totally exhausted by the time it was supper fixin time. So this is what we had. This and a spinach salad. That's a lot of spinach.

I miss Patrick. I'm not pining over him, but my goodness how I love that man and how I enjoy having him by my side. I want to have supper with him every night, not just these 23 extended weekends a year.

He says someday. And he no longer says perhaps, except in jest. :)

Today I am grateful for:
This frozen pizza. At least we had something!
Being sure.
Supportive daughters x 3.
Memories made.
Checks in the mail - they're coming, right?

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