The Ferg

By fergie

The moose that got away

Went to buy my lunch today and spotted a poor wee mouse sneak out of one of the too many empty shops, struggling to find an escape fromthe many shoppers I thought I would get a picture...but just as I retrieved the camera the wee courin' timorous beastie, slid under a narrow gap in a door and vanished. Work is relentless this weather and was accused in front of colleagues of losing an invoice from a. group. I kept quiet because I had been unwell when this alleged incident happened, but I do keep meticulous records and all e-mails and snail mail is recorded On my return to the office I carried out a search and there was no evidence of the invoice being sent to me or my colleagues I was a bit angry at the way this person made an issue in front of colleagues. Went for a walk this evening to the supermarket with my son to buy something for the latest handheld gaming device and realised just how mild it is weather wise for this time of year its warm up here.

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