Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


Today, the Febchallenge was 'shooting for highlights'. There wasn't even a glimmer of sunshine peeping through the clouds all day; no twinkles on the water or pretty glimmers through the trees. It had to be a last minute flash jobby instead.

I don't like taking photos of myself. No actually, I do - I could take photos of me all day, for the sake of experimenting having a willing model who will do anything I ask. I just don't like publishing pictures of myself to the web. It makes me feel like the old, self obsessed 19 year-old me. It makes me feel I should link to something emo-ish (not that emo existed when I was 19) and write something vague and tormented. I only had a 5 minute photo taking slot today, and I was the only willing model so the options were me, or another inanimate object, like yesterday.

As for the photograph, I did the hair myself, but it could have easily been Boo. He is obsessed with styling my hair at the moment. He tells me he wants to "make it nice and flat, Mummy", and then proceeds to do exactly the opposite. It feels nice though, and it is one of the very rare things that will keep him occupied for more than 60 seconds, so I generally let him do it.

Frustrating day today. Lots of driving about trying to get stuff done and not achieving a huge amount. Having said that, husband went on an evening drive and came home with a bargain aquarium for our new goldfish (the fairground fish died - Boo was distraught. I was pretty upset too, more so than I expected. I found myself being totally blunt and honest with him. No tales about fish going on holiday. I just said the fish is broken - the fish is dead. Guess I don't want it to be a taboo subject in our house. Boo was genuinely very very moved and sad for the fish, but I think it has given him a slightly deeper understanding of how just how fragile and precious we all are, and that's something I would like him to grasp a little before his baby brother comes along). He picked out a couple of new fish, and named them Lala (this means 'other' in Boo talk) and Fish. Good names I think.

Anyway, I'm off now - husband is desperate to show me the new fancy fish bowl.

And just because I feel like it, here's a link to a track that reminds me of the tormented old adolescent me:


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