
By strawhouse

Treasured Possessions - The Next Generation

Miss L has suddenly discovered that she loves books. Unlike her sister she has never been that fussed and preferred to eat the books or annoyingly flick the pages over as you'd try to read to her, or listen for ten seconds and then run off to do something else.
But in the last few days she's suddenly started going to get books and marching up to me with them and insisting that I "read book". Today we had our lovely lazy Wednesday (even lazier than normal as Mr K took the car to work so Miss L and I couldn't go swimming but had to stay in the house all day) and we read loads of books. This is just a small selection - I started off making her put them back before I'd read a new one!
My personal favourite has always been Slinky Malinki.
Miss L's current favourite is Hugless Douglas - she keeps hugging me and saying "Hug!" So sweet!!

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