At Aanuka Beach Resort.

This is the front of our Paradise Bure at the above resort. We made a spur of the moment decision to head to Coffs Harbour for a short break to celebrate a birthday and anniversary. I'm so pleased we did as it was such a relaxing place, set in 35 acres of rainforest and also with a frontage in one section to a beautiful beach. You walk to the accommodation through walkways under the canopy of the rainforest and they are individually tucked away - they look very rustic from the outside but are very nice inside with a sitting room, small kitchenette, bedroom and a large spa bathroom. Ours was only a few minutes stroll to the beach and the restaurant and bar areas have beautiful beach views and beautiful food. I think there is hotel style rooms as well.

The local wild life was very friendly also - we had regular visits on our deck from the resident Australian Native Bush Turkeys and a gorgeous lizard with a reddish underside and black stripes who sat beside us and constantly looked up - waiting for a treat I think. I have just identified him as an Eastern Water Dragon. We also saw a Goanna, numerous birds and also a snake who wasn't very friendly. He was only a very young black snake about 20 inches long slithering in the garden beside our deck, and he took off as soon as I walked out thankgoodness.
The restaurant only has quite a small menu by comparison with some, but the food and wine are absolutely superb and just a bit different. I had spatchcock the first night and it was beautiful. There is also a very nice relaxed bar and cafe as well, all with beach views. Check out the visiting Wildlife here
and here
The few days were a wonderful relaxing break.
I will blip a few more photos soon and will also put some in my blipfolio when I get a minute.

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