
By dailykeith


Made the briefest of flying visits to Stroud today, but still had the opportunity to take a quick wander along the towpath of the canal.

We are, of course, about to move house, so I won't be able to do this for much longer. We are not moving far, but getting to the canal will require a special journey in the future.

In the 15 years we've lived in the area, we've grown quite attached to the canal - the Thames and Severn - and to this bridge (pictured) in particular.

Its name is Stanton's Bridge and I just love the brickwork and the fact that it is still standing 240 years after it was built. Originally, it would have allowed mill workers to get from their homes on the sides of the valley to their places of work.

It was a lovely, peaceful half-hour away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the stresses and strains of recent weeks.

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