Ina's Snippets

By ina

Come rain!

"No one can see their reflection in running water.
It is only in still water that we can see."

~ Taoist proverb ~


Took Gigi for a walk by the dam/lake. In our region, we normally don't get winter rain - as you can see from the exposed roots, the dam/trees need urgent rain.

The Old Age Home is within walking distance from the mall and the lake - met an 81year old lady on her way back to the Home - she just loves Gigi and showed me a photo of her dog who died at the age of 15. I think the second quote suits her well.

Helped Mr Snippets with another batch of rusks (3kg) - in the oven now, yum!

Enjoy your weekend!


"Like swift water, an active mind never stagnates."

~ unknown ~

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