
By Bombchelle


Kids do the funniest things! My Year 10s got a little silly today, so I sat them in the middle of the room and made them do Music Theory instead of practical...they left this message on the board for me when we'd finished (and after they'd calmed down!!!)


In other news, one of my sixth formers came out with...

"So, it's Grizzly Bears Don't Fear Anything, so that's G, B, D, F, E?"

Oh dear!!!!!

I managed to shave one minute off my best 4 miles time...46 minutes. Not that good yet, though :-( In my defence, it got pretty dark and I was running on uneven ground...excuses excuses!

Puddle is rewarding me at the moment by treading intensely on my legs and stomach. Maybe she thinks she's giving me a massage...ouch!

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