Derpster & co

By Minnake

Hamsters nomming

So hello, blipfoto!

I decided to register in here after pondering it for a good while. I'm not sure how active I will be, but it is nice to know that I have a place where to spam pictures daily and it would be ok! People following me in Twitter might be bored already about my stupid pics in there.

I can not say that my pictures will be smart or life changing, but I hope that you are smart enough to avoid me in case you find my life stupid. ^___^


Today has been quite boring. I gave our hamsters some vegetable baby food and took a pic. The only pic I've taken today, so had to start with this. :3

Our hamsters just loooove that stuff!
I'm sure they could eat as much as I give them. I think that I'm giving them too much already...

I have night shift coming up tomorrow so I'm trying to stay up late today.
Wish me luck!

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